This is a board game published by Hasbro. Players gather around in a circle, and one person sets down a group of ten cards face up with a mood printed on it. Some example moods are: threatening, nervous and flirtatious. Next to each card is a corresponding number and to begin play, a player draws a card from a box, upon which there is a saying, for example, “I can’t believe you said that.” Once the player knows this saying, he rolls the dice and whatever number appears, he must find the corresponding card on the board that has a mood on it. The player then proceeds to say the line in the manner in which the card requests, and is only allowed to act out the mood and line twice, with no hand gestures. When everyone is ready, each person surrounding the player must look at the board and select which of the ten moods the player was acting out. This game is a lot of fun and really pushes the students to find ways of expressing an emotion that people understand. How would you say the line, “I can’t believe you said that,” in a threatening, joyous or flirtatious manner?