This curriculum features eleven animation exercises that you can follow in a consecutive manner so that you can learn how to animate emotion. The exercises are listed for you on the left hand side of the blog. The exercises feature a few video tutorials and examples that help demonstrate some of the ideas.
Also listed on the left hand side is a sampling of classroom acting exercises that I implement to help students get into an "acting" frame of mind. This is essential in order to create proper video reference to help you in creating your animation.
The project also features an animation called "60 fps", that demonstrates the application of many of the concepts presented in this curriculum. It can be viewed below and serves as an example of what is possible if you try the techniques listed in this blog.
Thanks to my instructors, my classmates, fellow animators, students, family and fellow colleagues for supporting and encouraging me to the completion of this project. A big shout out to all of the animators who made their character rigs available on the internet. They will be listed here once the project is complete. Also, a big hug goes out to the "Acting in Movement" who served as my test subjects for this project. It would not have been possible without your help.
Thanks everyone! Completion and graduation is set for Summer 2008 (Hey, that's today!).
As they say, full steam ahead.
Fire it up!